Dr. Sue Edwards is a Professor Emeritus of Educational Ministries and Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary, and has taught there for 23 years. With over 40 years experience as a Bible teacher, overseer of ministries to women at two megachurches, and author, she earned a doctorate from Gordon-Conwell seminary in Boston and a masters in Bible from DTS. Sue is the co-author of seven leadership books and the author of the Discover Together Bible Study Series. Married for 51 years, she and David are the proud parents of two married daughters and the grandparents of five. David is a retired computer engineer who serves the Lord as a lay prison chaplain. She loves chocolate, strong decaf coffee, and taking walks with their westies Quigley and Emma Jane.

Leadership books:
40 Questions on Ministry to Women
Leading Women Who Wound
Mixed Ministry, Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society
Organic Ministry to Women
Organic Mentoring, A Mentor's Guide to Relationships with Next Generation Women
Invitation to Educational Ministry
Women’s Retreats
The Discover Together Bible Study Series featuring 18 books of the Bible. Her newest studies:
1 Timothy: Discovering Clarity in a World That Can’t Agree (release August 2023)
Isaiah, Discovering Assurance Through Prophecies About Your Mighty King
Hosea, Discovering God's Fierce Love
James, Discovering God's Delight in a Lived-Out Faith
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Discovering Hope in a Promised Future